Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Post (Meet the Deviant Miis) !

Welcome to NSFWii @ Blogger.com. This site was created as a way to showcase some of the rather unique Miis that my brothers and I have created using the Nintendo Wii and to hopefully one day collect and showcase similar Mii creations from gamers all over the world!

This "project" took place during the summer of 2007. From what I recall, my brothers and I had played the shit out of every Wii game we had... countless hours of Wii tennis and bowling, twice through RE4, games such as Metroid and Super Mario still just an idea shimmering far off in the distance... and we had long since forgotten about the wonderful Mii Channel.

We had already created Miis for every member of our family and all friends who happend to stop by during a session of Wii Sports (you know everyone has to try it). We had created the entire cast of South Park (ancillary characters like the City Wok guy included), all four Beatles, the obligatory Donny, Walter and The Dude, Hitler, Dick Cheney, three different Jesus', Colbert, Stewart, Conan... the list goes on!

Any Wii owners reading this might understand when I talk about getting to something of a breaking point where you can no longer muster up either the will to create another Mii or simply can no longer think of anymore people who you could possible give a shit about so much that you must see how well you can characterize them as a Mii.

But one day, probably out of shear boredom and in utter defiance of my own growing lack of interest in the Wii in general, I was playing around with the Mii Channel and ended up creating a little stick figure guy using the various components that make up a Mii's face. Of course, I could find no other practical use for the nose other then to make it the little stick man's huge cock, and thus Stick Dick was born.

After that, all we did for a while was create was we referred to as "Porno Miis". It was quite challenging trying to come up with new and exciting ways of manipulating what Nintendo designers had meant as harmless facial features into horrid, lewd images of depravity and smut!

The idea was to create a well rounded set of Porno Miis. A little something for everyone, a who's who of pornographic fetishes. In the end I think we did a pretty good job. We made 19 Porno Miis in what I'd estimate to be the course of a month before our Wii was sadly pulled from its perch atop our entertainment center by a Gamecube controller weilding asshole (a friend of my brothers who had yet to come to grips with the concept of wired control pads and Newton's laws of motion) and ended its short life in a fit of Disk Read Errors.

So thats the story of how these Miis came to be... Please enjoy them and please SEND US YOUR PORNO MIIS. We know that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that if we put our heads together, we, the global community of Wii owners, can push the little white box into realms of sexual immorality and perversion that would make Fusajiro Yamauchi spin in his grave!

Remember... if you have a Mii that you'd like to submit, it must be created 100% using the Mii Channel on your Wii, no fancy Photoshoping! If we like what we see we'll throw it into the gallery.

Please send all submissions, requests, inquiries and fan/hate mail to NSFWii@gmail.com

View the NSFWii photo gallery HERE!


Andreas -> (No. 8 Axel) said...

I saw those deviant Mii's and, wow, that is something... I always thought that one nose looked suspiciously like a penis.. lol.

P.S. Look at my blog lol.

Unknown said...

great job, made me laugh uncontrollability

RandomRachael said...

very very funny

hound7 said...

Hahaha, they are all very funny, but some of them I don't understand lmao